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December 2002
August 2002
June 2002
June 17, 2003
3pm-5pm show
part 1
part 2
Zelig Feiner
of Israel's Zaka Rapid Response Team.
Rivka Pam, 16-year-old survivor of Hamas
Suicide attack on the #14 bus in Jerusalem, speaks out from Hadassah hospital.
June 17, 2003
9pm-11pm show
part 1
part 2
Arlene Peck, Celebrity columnist.
General Wesley K. Clark (Ret.), Supreme Allied Commander,
Europe and Commander-in-Chief, United States European Command.
June 10, 2003
3pm-5pm show
part 1
part 2
Erudite and outspoken, Steven E. Plaut, Ph.D. is
professor of business administration at the Graduate School of Business of
Haifa University. He also teaches in Greece, California, and Hungary. Plaut
brings a sharply analytical mind to any subject about which he writes, and is
frequently seen in The Jewish Press, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Newsday,
Jerusalem Post, Haaretz, Maariv, Fortune, Middle East Quarterly, National
Review and Commentary, among others. He is also the author of The
Scout (Gefen Publishing House).
Gil Troy, Ph.D. is Professor of History at
McGill University in Montreal. He is author of See How They Ran: The Changing Role
of the Presidential Candidate, Mr. and Mrs. President: From the Trumans to the
Clintons and Why I Am A Zionist, which has just been released in its second
printing. Troy comments frequently about presidential politics on television
and in print, with recently published articles and reviews in, among others,
The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and the Wilson
Peleg Reshef is Chairperson of the World Union of Jewish Students.
Born and raised on Kibbutz Sasa Northern Galil, he attended High School in
Baltimore, Maryland then returned to spend 3 years in the Israeli Army in two
anti-terror units. After completing his service, he attended Haifa University
to study General History and Education. In 2000, he was elected as the chair
for the Haifa Student Union, and a year later, was elected to his present
position for the WUJS.
June 10, 2003
9pm-11pm show
part 1
part 2
David Bedein
is Media Research Analyst and Bureau Chief for the Jerusalem-based Israel
Resource News Agency, which provides news services for the foreign media,
since 1987. He has also worked on special assignment for BBC, CNN Radio,
Los Angeles Times, and the weekly Israel news magazine Makor Rishon.
June 3, 2003
part 1
part 2
With a twice-weekly
column appearing in over 550 newspapers nationwide,
Thomas is America's the most widely syndicated
op-ed columnists and is one of the most highly regarded
voices on the American political scene. His weekly
television show "After Hours with Cal Thomas" appears on
Fox News Channel on Saturday nights. Thomas also hosts a
daily radio program syndicated to more than 300 stations
nationwide. A writer of force and clarity, Thomas has
authored ten books, including his current release, The
Wit and Wisdom of Cal Thomas.
Professor Anne Bayefsky, B.A., M.A., LL.B., M.Litt. (Oxon.), is
a Professor at York University, Toronto, Canada, a
member of the International Law Association Committee on
International Human Rights Law and Practice, and
Editor-in-Chief of the Series "Refugees and Human
Rights." Her op-ed columns on United Nations, human
rights issues and anti-anti-Semitism appear reglarly in
publications throughout the world. Her latest book is
The UN Human Rights Treaty System: Universality at the
May 27, 2003 3pm-5pm show
part 1
part 2
Mathias is Director of Programming for
HonestReporting, an independent non-profit media watch
organization. It was originally founded in London by a
pair of students startled by the media bias against
Israel that is extremely evident in the UK press.
HonestReporting has since grown internationally, with
organizations in place in several countries and has
published comprehensive studies on Middle East coverage
on CNN and the BBC as well as The Washington Post, the
New York Times and the Los Angeles Times. An intimate advisor to Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon, Dr. Dore Gold was Israeli
Ambassador to the United Nations (1997-1999), and
Foreign Policy Advisor to former Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu. He has participated in negotiations at Wye
River (1998), for the Hebron Protocol (1997) and at the
Madrid Peace Conference (1991). His most recent book is
Hatred's Kingdom: How Saudi Arabia Supports the New Global Terrorism (2003).
May 27, 2003
9pm-11pm show
part 1 .
part 2
Morton A. Klein ,
National President
of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), the oldest
pro-Israel group in the U.S. is widely regarded as one
of the leading Jewish activists in the United States. A
member of the International Board of Governors of the
College of Judea and Samaria in Ariel, Israel, Klein is
a child of Holocaust survivors. He is an economist who
served in the Nixon, Ford, and Carter Administrations.
After a 3-year campaign, ZOA was responsible for the US
Government offering multi-million dollar rewards for the
capture of Palestinian Arabs who have murdered dozens of
American citizens in Israel and the territories. ZOA
initiated the Ashcroft-Salmon Bill and the Koby Mandell
Act which would facilitate the capture of these
Palestinian Arab killers.
May 20,
part 1
part 2
Former US
Presidential Candidate, Gary Bauer, and Dr. Uzi
Arad, Former Mosad Agent and Netanyahu Advisor on
the Tovia Singer Show.
One of America's most respected
conservative Christian leaders, Gary
Bauer, the 2000 Republican presidential contender
and former Domestic Policy Advisor to President Ronald
Reagan, speaks out on the "Road Map to Peace" in this
extraordinary program. While serving as US Secretary of
Education, Bauer was named Chairman of President
Reagan's Special Working Group on the Family. His
report, "The Family: Preserving America's Future," was
presented to the President in December 1986.
featured is Dr. Uzi Arad, Director of
the Institute of Policy and Strategy (IPS) and Professor
of Government at the Lauder School of Government,
Diplomacy and Strategy at Herzliya's Interdisciplinary
Center (IDC). Former foreign policy advisor to the Prime
Minister and former director of intelligence for the
Mossad, Dr. Arad also chairs The
Herzliya Conference, supported by the Prime Minister's
Office, the Offices of the Ministers of Defense and
Foreign Affairs, the Caesarea Foundation, Haifa
University, the Jewish Agency, the American Jewish
Committee and others. |
May 13,
part 1
part 2
, author of four international
best-sellers: The Sacrifice of Tamar, Sotah, Jephte's
Daughter, and The Ghost of Hannah Mendes. Naomi's books
have been translated into Hebrew and have made her one
of Israel's top-selling authors, with over 90 weeks on
the bestseller list. In addition to her work as an
author of fiction, Naomi writes regularly for The
Jerusalem Post, and the largerst Hebrew language dailies
in Israel: Yediot Acharonot and Maariv. Through her
columns, Naomi has become a serious voice in political
and social issues confronting Israel and the Jewish
people. Crusading against religious extremism,
particularly the abuses against women, she is known
nevertheless as a staunch supporter of Israel's Jewish
identity. |
May 6,
part 1
part 2
Award winning
Andrea Peyser, a columnist with
the New York Post since 1989 has
also worked with the Associated Press, CNN and the
Tribune. Peyser won
column-writing awards from the National Society of
Newspaper Columnists, the New York State Associated
Press, the Newswomen's Club of New York, and last but
not least, the Barzel Society of Jewish Parole Officers.
She wrote about the CUNY "teach-in" shortly after 9/11
that devolved into an anti-Israel, anti-American hate
fest, and this year about the anti-Semitism at the UN,
particularly on the part of Iraqi Ambassador Mohammed
al-Douri. |
April 29,
part 1
part 2
Ettinger, independent analyst on
U.S.-Israeli relations, former Minister at the Israeli
Embassy in Washington and Consul General of Israel in
Houston, Texas, speaks out on "The Roadmap to Middle
East peace." |
April 15, 2003
part 1
part 2
part 3
Three World
Scholars Answer the Basic Question: "Did the Extraordinary Passover
Story Really Happen?"
Special Edition - Interview with
Dr. Lawrence H.
Schiffman, Chairman of New York University's
Skirball Department of Hebrew, Judaic Studies serves as
Ethel and Irvin A. Edelman Professor of Hebrew and
Judaic Studies. He was featured in the PBS Nova series
documentary, "Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls," as well
as in four BBC documentaries on the scrolls, the
McNeil-Lehrer program, and a Discovery special. He
appears regularly in the popular educational series,
"Mysteries of the Bible," which appears on Arts and
Entertainment (A&E). (part 3)
Dr. Colin
Humphreys is a Christian scholar, Cambridge
University Professor, and author of the new book,
The Miracles of Exodus: A
Scientist's Discovery of the Extraordinary Natural
Causes of the Biblical Stories.
Rabbi Yehudah Silver is the world
renowned spiritual leader and lecturer who designed and
developed the "Discovery Seminar" for Israel's Aish
Hatorah. |
April 8,
Listen Now
Emerson, internationally recognized expert
on terrorism and national security, and correspondent on
militant Islamic terrorism.
Professor Steven Plaut, was born and
raised in Philadelphia and made aliya to Israel in 1981.
He holds a PhD in economics from Princeton. He is on the
faculty of the business school at the University of
Haifa, and has also taught at Berkeley, in Greece,
Hungary, France, and elsewhere. He is a regular
columnist for a wide variety of newspapers and journals.
April 1,
part 1
part 2
Organization of America (ZOA) president, Morton
reports on National Security Advisor Dr. Condoleezza
Rice's speech to American Israel Public Affairs
Committee (AIPAC) declaring that the U.S. "roadmap" for
setting up a Palestinian state by the end of 2005 is not
negotiable. Outspoken, Morton Klein helped to implement
the State Department's new policy offering substantial
rewards for the capture of Palestinian Arab killers of
Americans, and fostered the withdrawal of high-profile
anti-Israeli nominees on Capital Hill. |
March 25,
part 1
part 2
was an Israeli Defense Minister
during the first Persian Gulf War, during which he made
the critical decision to not retaliate against the
barrage of SCUD missiles fired against Israel.
(part 1)
Jackie Mason, an outspoken
political commentator and is widely regarded as one of
the greatest stand-up comics of all time, will opine on
the war in Iraq. He will also talk about Hollywood and
about Nobel prize-winner and former President Jimmy
Carter. (part 2) |
March 18,
part 1
part 2
Host Tovia Singer
on Purim with guest Edgar Bronfman, Sr., president of the
World Jewish Congress and the World Jewish Restitution
Organization. |
March 11,
part 1
part 2
Student Call-In Show: Students
from around the globe speak out about the anti-Israel
bias and anti-semitism on campus with John
Loftus, best-selling author and former
Justice Department prosecutor. |
March 4,
part 1
part 2
former presidential economic speech writer for the Bush
White House administration and author of the new
run-away bestseller, The
Right Man: The Surprise Presidency of George W. Bush, will provide an
inside account of how the President thinks, and his
transformation into a decisive war-time
President. |
Feb. 25,
part 1
part 2
Dr. Judea
father of slain Wall Street Journal Bureau Chief Daniel
Pearl, founded the Daniel Pearl Foundation. |
Feb. 18,
Listen Now |
Edgar Miles
Bronfman, Sr., president of the World Jewish
Congress and the World Jewish Restitution Organization,
and chairman of The Foundation For Jewish Campus Life
Darshan-Leitner, an Israeli attorney, has built a
practice acting for Jewish terror victims. The
defendants include Iran, Syria, PLO, the European Union,
and Yasser Arafat. |
Feb. 11,
Listen Now
Also known as the
"Iron Lady of Zionism," Minister of Education, Culture
and Sport Limor Livant is a leader in the
Likud Party who is dedicated to furthering the founding
ideals of the Jewish nation. Upon her March 2001
appointment as Minister of Education, she stated her
committment to ensuring "that there is not a single
child in Israel who doesn't learn the basics of Jewish
and Zionist knowledge and values."
Journalist Joel
Mowbray, a National Review reporter and
National Review Online contributing editor, whose
articles have been highly critical of State Department
policy, specifically with regards to Saudi Arabia's Visa
Express program which granted entry to the US for three
of the September 11th hijackers. |
Feb. 4,
Tribute to
Israeli Astronaut Ilan Ramon with IDF Air Force
Commander Ze'ev Raz, who led the Israeli air strike
against Iraq's nuclear facility in 1981 with Ilan
Ramon. |
Jan. 28,
Listen Now
Coverage & Commentary:
David Zev Harris, Executive
Director of the AJC (American Jewish Committee), Bureau
Chief of News Services for the Media Line Radio Service,
Jerusalem and First Editor in Chief of the Jerusalem
Eidelberg is a professor at Bar Ilan
University in Israel and director of the Foundation for
Constitutional Democracy.
Commentator and activist
Yosef Ben-Aharon, first worked for
Golda Meir, followed by tenure as director general of
the prime minister's office under Shamir. He has also
lent his expertise on Syria and Arab-Israeli relations
to Yitzhak Rabin. |
Jan. 21,
Lawrence H. Schiffman is one of the most distinguished
scholars on the history of Judaism and the Dead Sea
commentator and activist Yosef
Ben-Aharon started under Golda Meir and,
after a tenure as director general of the prime
minister's office under Shamir, lent his expertise on
Syria and Arab-Israeli relations to Yitzhak Rabin.
Jan. 14,
part 1
part 2
a former assistant to the Christian Jew Foundation,
which is one of the leading missionary groups dedicated
to converting Jews to Christianity, speaks out about
"Jewish Evangelism."
Also featured is Rabbi Shraga
Simmons, internationally regarded as a
foremost expert on media bias relating to the Middle
East conflict, and editor-in-chief of
HonestReporting.com, the world's largest media watch
group. He also serves as editor of Aish.com, and is
author of the popular Shraga's Weekly email
Rabbi David
Bar-Hayim is head of Makhon Ben-Yishai for
Torah Research. |
Jan. 7,
part 1
part 2
Joseph Farah
is a
Christian-Arab who is pro-Israel.
Zelig Feiner is a spokesperson
for Zaka, Israel's search & rescue
organization. |

2002 . on
August 2002
June 2002
Dec. 31,
part 1
part 2
Dr. Steven
Plaut is an outspoken Haifa University
professor and syndicated columnist.
Sharon Tzur is founder and
director of Media Watch International. The fledgling, New York-based
outfit has quickly gained a devoted following by
pouncing on media outlets they feel either are reporting
inaccurately on Israeli-Palestinian violence or engaging
in flat-out anti-Israel bias. |
Dec. 24, 2002
part 1
part 2
Sharansky, once a Russian refusenik whose
struggle to emigrate to Israel won worldwide support, is
now MK Minister of Housing and Construction, and Deputy
Prime Minister (Yisrael Ba-Aliya).
Israel Harold (Izzy) Asper
is a
Canadian entrepreneur and media mogul. He is Executive
Chairman of CanWest Global Communications and ownsthe
pro-Israel newspaper National Post in
Canada. |
Dec. 17, 2002
part 1 .
part 2 |
prior leader of the Canadian Alliance Party who ran for
Prime Minister of Canada.
Keith Landy is National
President of Canadian Jewish Congress and a spokesperson
for the Jewish Community in Canada. |
Dec. 10, 2002
part 1
part 2
(Two Hour
Nationalist President of the Zionist Organization of
America (the oldest and one of the largest pro-Israel
groups in the country), Morton
Klein helped to implement the State
Department's new policy of offering substantial rewards
for the capture of Palestinian Arab killers of
Americans, and fostered the withdrawal of high-profile
anti-Israeli nominees on Capital Hill. He is a former
economist who served in the Nixon, Ford and Carter
Concordia Hillel
co-president, Noah Joseph exposes the most
anti-Israel campus in North America - Concordia
University (often referred to as "Gaza U" for its rabid
anti-Israel population), right in the heart of Montreal,
Canada. Joseph will describe student life on this
disturbing campus and the shocking series of
events - including violent demonstrations against
Netanyahu - that culminated in the Student Union
shutting down Concordia Hillel, the only Jewish group on
campus. |
Dec. 3, 2002
part 1
part 2
Day ran for Prime Minister of Canada
when he was Leader of the Alliance Party.
Dr. Jeane J. Kirkpatrick
former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.
David (Dudu) Fisher
is the international
singing sensation who played Jean Valjean in Les
Miserables on Broadway, but never on the Jewish Sabbath. |
Nov. 26, 2002
Listen Now
Daniel Jonah
Goldhagen is the author of Hitler's
Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the
Holocaust. He also speaks about the September
11th terrorist act at the World Trade Center and how we
should understand it in light of past
atrocities. |
Nov. 19, 2002
Listen Now
Hoenlein is the Executive Vice Chairman of
the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish
Organizations, the coordinating body on international
Jewish concerns for 55 national Jewish organizations. As
part of this position, he has traveled extensively,
meeting with leading government officials in Israel and
the Arab countries. |
Nov. 12, 2002
Listen Now
Ambassador and
presidential contender Alan Keyes
also an author, educator, writer of a weekly nationally
distributed column on current affairs, and nationally
syndicated radio talk show host. Keyes is an exceptional
speaker on a wide range of national and foreign policy
issues. |
Nov. 5, 2002
Listen Now |
Senior Correspondent for Arutz-7 Israel National Radio,
comments on geopolitical and geo-strategic affairs in
the Middle East. Atlas is also a member of the Advisory
Committee of the Freeman Center for Strategic Studies.
Oct. 29, 2002
Listen Now |
is the foreign spokesman for the Jewish community in
Hebron in the West Bank. Originally from New Jersey,
U.S., Wilder has lived in Hebron for 19
years. |
Oct. 22, 2002
Listen Now |
is widely regarded as one of the greatest stand-up
comics of all time. A staunch supporter of Israel, Mason
is outspoken on his views of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
and his present handling of Mid-East policy: "I think he
should throw all the Arabs out of the State of
Israel." |
Oct. 15, 2002
Listen Now |
Benny Elon, Israeli Knesset
Member and Chairman of Moledet. Moledet ("homeland" in
Hebrew) is a political party in Israel that embraces the
idea of population transfer as an integral part of
comprehensive plan to achieve real peace between the
Jews and the Arabs living in the Land of
Also featured:
Interviews from the Christian Coalition
Convention in Washington. |
Oct. 8,
Now |
Terrorism expert
Steve Emerson
and Middle East
political commentator
Plaut. |

June 2002
Aug. 28, 2002
Listen Now |
Belzberg, founder of OneFamily, an Israeli
organization that provides support to terror victims and
their families in Israel.
Ben-Tzion Schijveschuurder
is the
eldest of eight children from Amsterdam, whose parents
and three siblings were murdered by an Arab terrorist on
August 9, 2001 in Jerusalem's Sbarro
pizzeria. |
Aug. 21, 2002
Listen Now |
According to
pro-Israel Sheikh Prof. Abdul Hadi
Palazzi, an internationally respected
authority on Islamic law and distinguished secretary
general of the Italian Muslim Association, Israel's
right to exist as a nation is described in the Koran. He
says one of the most common misconceptions in the
current Arab-Israeli conflict is that in reality, "there
is no such thing as a 'Palestinian.' There never was. It
is a PR fiction, a Madison Avenue fantasy," he said. He
is against terrorist murder in the name of
Islam. |
Aug. 14, 2002
Listen Now |
As a Justice
Department prosecutor and an author of The War of
Lies Against the Jews, John Loftus
held some of the highest security clearances in the
world, with special access to NATO Cosmic, CIA codeword,
and Top Secret nuclear files. As a private attorney, he
works pro bono to help intelligence agents obtain legal
permission to declassify and publish the hidden secrets
of our times. He is the author of four history books:
three have been made into films, two were international
best sellers, and one was nominated for the Pulitzer
Prize. |
Aug. 7, 2002
Listen Now |
One of America's
most respected and provocative thinkers, Dennis
is an author, lecturer, teacher, and theologian with a
nationally syndicated radio talk show originating from
Los Angeles on KRLA 870 AM. For ten years, he conducted
a weekly interfaith dialogue on radio, with
representatives of virtually every religion in the
world, including Catholics at the Vatican, Muslims in
the Persian Gulf, Hindus in India, and Protestants at
Christian seminaries throughout America. |
July 31, 2002
Listen Now |
Terrorism in
the Holy Land
Seaman, spokesman for Israeli Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon and director of Media Relations
for the Israeli Government. |
July 24, 2002
Listen Now |
Irwin Cotler, an international human rights
lawyer, a Member of Canada's Parliament and leading
public advocate for the Human Rights Agenda in and out
of Canada's Parliament, fights anti-semitism and racism
world wide. |
July 17, 2002
Listen Now |
Outspoken Zionist
Organization of America President, Morton Klein
to implement the State Department's new policy of
offering substantial rewards for the capture of
Palestinian Arab killers of Americans, and fostered the
withdrawal of high-profile anti-Israeli nominees on
Capital Hill. He is a former economist who served in the
Nixon, Ford and Carter administrations.
Rabbi David Bar-Hayim is head of Makhon
Ben-Yishai for Torah Research. |
July 10, 2002
Listen Now |
Member of Knesset,
Chairman of the Moledet Party, and ninth-generation
Jerusalemite, Minister of Tourism Benny
speaks about deporting Arab terrorists and all
Palestinian Arabs who are hostile to the State of
Israel. |
July 3, 2002
Listen Now |
Pro-Israel, non-evangelical
Pastor Kenneth Rawsonspeaks out strongly
in support of Israel and the Jewish people. A passionate
opponent of efforts to convert Jews, he is conducting a
worldwide campaign to counter Evangelical Christian
missionary activities among Jews by deepening Jewish
roots. |
June 26, 2002
Listen Now |
Dr. Ra'anan Gissin is a Senior
Spokesman to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and a Media
Advisor. |
. WRTN FM 93.5
December 2002
August 2002
June 18, 2002
part 1
part 2 |
prominent businessman (owner of Estee Lauder),
philanthropist, community and civic leader, Ronald S.
Lauder speaks about Israel and "Caravan
for Democracy," the organization he started to counter
anti-semitism and bias across university campuses in
North America. |
June 11, 2002
part 1
part 2 |
Michael B.
an Israeli army veteran, is the author of Six Days of
War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle
Robert L. Pollock of the Wall Street
Journal writes that "Oren brings a
novelist's flair to recounting ... the war. His
meticulous research cuts through the propagandized
histories on all sides."
Stuart Ain, a popular
Pro-Israel New York columnist, is a staff writer at the
New York Jewish
Weekly. |
June 4, 2002
part 1
part 2 |
Singer's analysis of the U.S. role
concerning Arab relations.
The film Fiddler on
the Roof. |
May 28, 2002
Listen Now |
Rabbi Marvin
a Holocaust researcher, and founder and dean of
the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles. |
May 21, 2002
Listen Now |
Olmert, former member of Knesset, is now
serving in his second term as Former Mayor of Jerusalem.
Olmert is a frequent and sought-after guest on panels,
interviews and television talk shows worldwide where he
represents Jerusalem as the eternal and undivided
capital of the State of Israel and the Jewish
people. |
May 14, 2002
Listen Now |
Nationally known
author and publisher of
Front Page
David Horowitz created The Center
for the Study of Popular Culture whose mission is to
"change the leftist, anti-American, elitist culture that
is dominant in the entertainment industry [and to
expose] the idiocies and the viciousness of the radical
leftism in universities, the media, mainstream churches,
and everywhere else this modern plague is
found." |
May 7, 2002
part 1
part 2
part 3
Lawyer and Harvard
Law School professor,
Dershowitz has written about Palestinian
refugees in his book Chutzpah. |
April 30, 2002
Listen Now |
Jay Shapiro
is the
host of a popular current events show on Arutz-7 English
broadcasts and author of several books describing trends
of Israeli societal alienation from cultural, national,
and religious roots that threaten the existence of the
state. He will be speaking about current
Bard is the Executive Director of the
nonprofit American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE)
and the author of Myths and Facts: A Guide to the
Arab-Israeli Conflict. |
April 23, 2002
part 1
part 2
part 3
| According to
Sheikh Prof. Abdul Hadi
Palazzi, an internationally respected
authority on Islamic law and distinguished secretary
general of the Italian Muslim Association, Israel's
right to exist as a nation is described in the Koran. He
says one of the most common misconceptions in the
current Arab-Israeli conflict is that in reality, "there
is no such thing as a 'Palestinian.' There never was. It
is a PR fiction, a Madison Avenue fantasy," he said. He
is against terrorist murder in the name of
Islam. |
April 9, 2002
Listen Now |
Memorial Day
Peter Malkin
is the
former Chief of Operations for the Mossad and the agent
who physically captured Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann
in 1960.
Holocaust scholar
and author of Denying the Holocaust, Deborah
Lipstadt won the defamation suit launched
against her by British Holocaust denier David
Irving. |
April 2, 2002
Listen Now |
Note: Pre-taped show due to
J. Gaffney, Jr. is the founder and president of
the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C. Under
Gaffney's leadership, the Center has been nationally and
internationally recognized as a resource for timely,
informed and penetrating analyses of foreign and defense
policy matters. |
March 26, 2002
part 1
part 2 |
James M. Inhofe from Oklahoma is
Peters, historian and journalist, is the
author of From Time Immemorial: Origins of
Arab-Jewish Conflict. |
March 19, 2002
Listen Now |
Rabbi Tovia Singer
talks about Passover with Professor
Laurence Schiffman (Professor at department of
NYU. |
March 12, 2002
part 1
part 2 |
a Middle East expert and author of Militant
Islam Reaches America.
Middle East Quarterly is a journal
founded by Daniel Pipes and by others who feel that the
discipline of Middle Eastern Studies, as practised in
the United States, has become too pro-Arab. |
March 5, 2002
part 1
part 2 |
Joseph Farah
is the
controversial Arab-American founder, editor and chief
executive officer of WorldNetDaily.Com, the leading
independent English-language Internet news site. He is
also a weekly columnist for the International Edition of
the Jerusalem Post.
Also featured is Zelig
Feiner, spokesperson of Zaka, the rescue
and recovery organization first to appear at the scene
of a terrorist bombing or shooting - and the last
to leave. With over 600 volunteers, Zaka is staffed
almost entirely by members of Israel's Orthodox
Rav David Bar Chayim, one of Israel's
Leading Torah Scholars, will be joining us. Chayim is
the head of the Makhon Ben Yishai Institute for Torah
Research. |
Feb. 26, 2002
Listen Now |
expert Steve Emerson is perhaps best
known for his 1994 PBS program "Jihad in
America." |
Feb. 19, 2002
Listen Now |
Tovia Singer, top
counter-missionary in the world, interviews former
Jews for Jesus.
Singer also will talk about
Purim. |
Feb. 12, 2002
part 1
part 2 |
Rabbi Abe
Cooper is the associate dean of the Simon
Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles,
California. |
Feb. 5, 2002
part 1
part 2 |
Marcus is the director of the Palestinian
Media Watch research institute from Israel. |
Jan. 29, 2002
Listen Now |
Bill Mazar
is a
radio talk show host. |

August 2002
June 2002