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Hypertext version of the Index pages from Elizabeth Dilling's The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today.


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Aboda Zarah, Talmud book 4, 13, 17, 19, 24, 31, 36
Aboth (Talmudic sayings), Talmud book 1, 4
Abracadabra 31, 38
Abraham 31, 55, 56, 67
Achduth Avodah 78
Aduth Haabodah 78
Ahdut Avoda 78
Adultery, wives of minors and non-Jews, permitted 23
Agudah 78
Akiba, Rabbi ("Talmud Sage") 2, 3, 19
Amalgamated Clothing Workers 76
American Civil Liberties Union 75
American Jewish Committee 50, 68, 74-77, 80-83, 86, 89, 91
American Jewish Congress 75-78, 81
Amorites 56
Arakin (estimation), Talmud book 5
Asch, Sholem 76
Ashkenazi Jews 50, 57
Aristobulus 12
Aristotle 33
Ashi, Rabbi 18
Astarte (also Ishtar) 24, 40-41, 44
American League Against War and Fascism 75
American League for Peace and Democracy 75


Baal Shem (Hassidist master) 12, 26, 31-34, 44, 51, 54
Baba Bathra (last gate), Talmud book 4, 12, 18, 28
Baba Kamma (first gate), Talmud book 4, 16, 18, 20
Baba Mezia (middle gate), Talmud book 4, 16
Baby boys, and sodomy 22
Baby girls, intercourse with 2, 22, 29
Baylonian calendar, as Jewish calendar 39
Babylonia, Judaism and 2, 38
Babylonian Talmud, Rabbi Louis Finklestein, and 1
Balaam, Jesus as 14
Barkochba 6, 10
Baskin, Joseph 76
Beilis, Mendel (and ritual murder) 50
Bekorot (first born), Talmud book 5
Bela Kun 70
Beni Israel Jews 64
Berechoth, Talmud book 6
Beth Din (Talmud law court) 35
Beth Hillel 23, 28
Beth, Shammai 23, 28
Bible, books of
    - Acts 45
    - Amos 42, 68
    - Chronicles I 37, 56
    - Chronicles 11 23, 27, 45
    - Corinthains II 34
    - Daniel 32, 91-94
    - Deuteronomy 2, 11, 15-16, 24-26, 39-40, 42, 45-46, 52-53, 56, 92
    - Esther 10
    - Exodus 2-3, 19, 26-27, 29, 32
    - Ezekiel 16, 18, 27, 41-42, 45-46, 51
    - Galatians 55, 93
    - Genesis 17, 19, 26, 55-56, 67, 93
    - Hebrews 55
    - Hosea 56
    - Isaiah 17, 27, 32, 43-44, 48, 54-57, 67, 92-94
    - Jeremiah 40, 42-43, 45, 52, 92-94
    - Job 45
    - John 1, 10, 56, 94
    - John II 68
    - Joshua 56
    - Judges 27, 56
    - Kings II 39-40, 42, 45
    - Leviticus 2, 16, 22-24, 26-27, 29, 46, 54
    - Luke 5, 22, 91
    - Mark 1, 16, 23, 26, 32, 55, 91
    - Matthew 1, 5, 11, 16, 22-24, 26-29, 32, 46, 49, 54-56, 68, 91-92
    - Micah 45, 94
    - Numbers 2, 14, 16, 56
    - Peter II 10
    - Proverbs 20, 58
    - Psalms 27, 56
    - Revelation 31, 41, 52, 55-56, 67, 92-94
    - Romans 22, 28, 55, 67
    - Thessalonians II 32, 91, 93
    - Zephaniah 42, 42, 45
Bikkurim (first fruits), Talmud book 4
B'nai B'rith 70, 77
Anti-Defamation League of 57, 83
Bolsheviks 70
Boruchov, B. 77
Brandeis, Louis 76
Brothman, Abraham 89
Browder, Earl 75
Bulls, of Popes 6
Bund, Jewish 70, 74


Cabala 31-38, 43-44, 46, 49-50, 67
Calendar, Jewish as Babylonian 39
Canaan (land of) 56
Canaanites 56
Central Conference of American Rabbis 69
Central Verband of Bund 74
Chad Gadyah 93-94
Chasidism see Hasidists
Chinese Jews 57, 62
College Commonwealth 76
Communism 76
    - and Pharisees 1, 10, 13, 16-17, 22-24, 26, 28-29
    - as "Balaam" 14-15
    - as "Ben Stada" 15
    - as basturd 15
    - burned 4, 15
    - committing bestiality 15
    - crucified 4, 15
    - strangled 4, 15
    - boiled in hot semen 15
    - seducer of women 15
    - as idol 12, 17
    - lowered into dung 15
    - executed by molten lead 15
Communal Register (Kehillah, New York) 74-75, 79, 81-82
Cutheans (Christians) 12, 20
Czar Nicholas II 84


"D" Banks (Germany) 85-86
David 55
Davis Sammy 57
Dearborn Independent (Henry Ford publication) 80, 82-83
Demai (doubtful), Talmud book 4
Demonology 36, 46-50
Dubinsky, David 76-77
Dunn, Roger W. 85


Eduyyoth (testimonies), Talmud book 4
Eliezer, Rabbi B 13
Emperor Hadrian (and Talmud) 6
Emperor Justinian 6
En Sof (also "En Soph") 33-36, 38, 57
Erubin (mingling), Talmud book 4
Esreh, Shemoneh (18 Benedictions) 12, 14-15
Ethiopian Jews 59


Finklestein, Rabbi Louis 1-2, 13, 31-32, 38, 78, 81
Flaubert, Gustave 51-53
Fogel, Judge Henry M 83
Ford, Henry 75, 80, 82-83
Forward Association 74
Foster, William Z 85
Francis, U.S. Ambassador to Russia 84-86
Frumkin, M. Levi (Rodkinson) 6, 13, 29, 38
Furstenberg 85-86


Gemara (argumentation of the Rabbis Talmud) 3
Gematria (letters for numbers) 34-37, 94
General Zionists 78
    - and the Bible 3, 16, 20
    - as non-human 16
    - wine touched by 17
    - cast into a pit 17
    - issue that of a beast 17
    - people like an ass 17
    - no property rights 18
    - no rest !8
    - goring one's ox 18
    - cheating the Gentile 18, 20
    - lawsuit with 18
    - must suffer 18
    - teaching Torah to 3, 19
    - gentile babies defiled !9
    - robbery, stealing, murdering of 20
Gershom Ben Judah, Rabbi i 25
Gittin (Talmud book) 4, 12-13, 15, 26, 40
Gnosticism 34, 46, 67
Gold, Harry 89
Goldmann.Nahum 78
Grand Duke Michael 84


Hagigah (feasting) 4
Halacha (laws) 3
Hallah (dough), Talmud book 4
Ham 55
Hapoel Hamizrachi 78
Hasidists (also "Chasidists") 26, 31-32, 44, 47-48, 69-70
Hebrew Union College 76
Hegel 34
Held, Adolph 76-77
Hertz, Chief Rabbi J.H. 2, 38-39
Herut 78
Hess, Moses 69-70
Hevites 56
Hezekiah, Juda King 39
Hillel (1st Century Pharisee) 28-29, 39
Hillman Sidney 76, 85
Histadruth 78, 95
Hittites 56
Horayoth (rulings), Talmud book 4, 12, 27-28
Hullin (killing), Talmud book 5
Hyrcanus 12


Incest permitted 23
    - with beast 22
    - boy with mother 22
    - with baby girl 2, 22-23, 29
    - incest permitted 23
    - mother with child 23
    - with dead bodies 24
    - frequency by trades 29
International Ladies' Garment Workers 76
Isaac 55-56
Ishmael 56
Ishmael, Rabbi 13
Israel Baal Shem Tob (Hasidism promoter) 32
Istar (see Astarte)


Jabneh (Palestinian Talmud center) 3
Jacob 55-56
Jannaeus, Alexander (King, High Priest of Jerusalem) 12
Japanese Jews 62
Japeth 55
Jebusites 56
Jehosaphat 23
Jesus (see Christ)
Jews and Their Lies (Martin Luther) 10
Jews as Messiah 19
Jewish Communal Register, New York 74-75, 79, 81-82
Jewish Institute of Religion 76
Jewish Labor Committee 76-77
Jewish Peoples Committee 76-77
Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order 89
Jewish Publication Society of America 69
Jewish Socialist Federation of America 74
Jewish Theological Seminary of America 1, 75, 81
Johanon, Rabbi 3, 21
Joshua 56
Josiah, Judah King 39
Judah (patriarch) 55-56
Judah, tribe of 55, 58
Judah Hanasi, Rabbi 3-4
Justinian, Emperor 6


Kabbalah, see Cabala
Kaganovich, Lazar 89
Kahn, Otto 80
Kaiser Wilhelm 80
Kamenev 84, 86
Kapparah (Jewish rite) 47, 51
Karaites 12
Kehillah, New York Jewish 74-75, 79, 81-82
Kelim (vessel, utensil, cleanliness), Talmud book 5
Kerensky, A.F. 76, 81, 84-86
Keritot (exterminators), Talmud book 5
Kethubah (marital contract) 29
Kethuboth (sum due divorced wife), Talmud books 4, 12, 19, 22, 28, 32, 38, 93
Khazars 56
Kiddushin (betrothal), Talmud book 4
Kil'ayim (mixtures), Talmud book 4
Killing, "Terefah" (incurably ill person) 25
King David 25, 27, 56
King Saul 56
King Solomon 25, 56
Kitzur (abbreviated Schulhan Aruch) 50
Kol Nidre (annulling oaths) 4, 7, 19-20, 41
Krauss, Adolph 82
Kuhn Loeb and Co. 79-80, 84, 91


LaCroix 53-54, 68
Lansing, Secretary of State 84
Lassalle, Ferdinand 72
Lehman, Herbert 75 J
Lenin 79, 84-87, 89
Lilith (Demoness of childbirth) 31, 48
Lipsky, Louis 78
Litvinov (Finklestein) 78, 81, 89
Loeb, Nina 79
Lot 23
Lunacharsky 86
Lusk, Senator Clayton 70, 84
Luther, Martin 1-2, 6, 8-11, 13


Ma'aseh Bereshit pagan rite 31, 46
Ma'aseh Mercabah pagan rite 31, 46
Ma'aseroth (tithes), Talmud book 4
Ma'aser Sheni (second tithe), Talmud book 4
Magnes, Rabbi Judah L. 75-76, 85
Maimonides 33, 45
Makkoth (beatings), Talmud book 4, 20
Makshirin (kosher, proper), Talmud book 5
Mapai 78, 94
Mapam Party 78, 94
Marranos 7
    - with 3 year old 23
    - Uncle and Niece 23
Marshall, George 75
Marshall, James 75
Marshall, Louis 75-76, 82-83
Marshall, Robert 75
Marx, Karl 33-35, 38, 46, 69, 72, 74
Marxism 69
Mary, Mother of Jesus
    - adulteress 14
    - harlot 14
Me'ilah (trespass), Talmud book 5
Megillah (Scroll of Esther), Talmud book 4
Melchoir, Carl J. 80
Menahot (meal offering), Talmud book 4
Mensheviks 70
Mercabah, see Metatron or Mithra
Messiah (Jewish people as) 32, 39
Metatron (Sun God) 16, 31, 33, 36-37, 46
Mexican Indian Jews 66
Meyer, Eugene Jr. 75
Middot (measures), Talmud book 5
Mikawaoth (ritual bath) Talmud book 5
Milyukov, Prime Minister 84
Min (plural Minim) Christians 12
Minnim (birds nests), Talmud book 5
Minuth (Christianity) 13
Mishna (Decisions of Rabbis, Talmudic) 3, 46
Mithra (Sun God) 31, 33, 36-37
Mizrachi 78
Molech (child burning to) 12, 39, 46, 51-54
Monroe, Marilyn 57, 60
Moon worship 43
Mooney, Tom 75, 77
Morris, Ira Nelson 85-86
Moskowitz, Miriam 89
Moses 2, 11-12, 16, 18, 22-27, 37, 39, 46, 52, 56, 70, 92
Mylitta 24


Nasi (Price of Jewry) 4, 29, 38
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 75
National Conference of Christians and Jews 67
National Religion and Labor Foundation 75
National Workmen's Committee of 1915 74, 76
National Workers Alliance 77
Nazir (more vows), Talmud book 27-28
Necromancy (sorcery) 49
Nedarim ("vows"), Talmud book 3, 19, 28-29
Mega'im (plagues), Talmud book 5
Negro Jews 57, 61
Nehardea (Talmud Cabala Center) 17
Neighbor, murder of 25
Nicolataines 67
Niddah (menstruant woman), Talmud book 5, 28, 49


Oholoth (tents), Talmud book 5
Orlah, Talmud book 4
Oudendyke, M., Netherlands Minister to Russia 87
Oudendyke Report 87


Parah (young cow), Talmud book 5
Parents, striking and cursing 25
Parvus 86
Pat, Jacob 76
Pauker, Ana 90
Pe'ah (corner), Talmud book 4
Perizzites 56
Pesahim (passover), Talmud book 4
Peters, J. (Isador Boorstein) 89
Pfefferkorn (exposer of Talmud) 8
    - and Christ 1, 10, 16-17, 22-23
    - Jewish Encyclopedia 1
    - Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 1
    - Rabbi Louis Finklestein 1, 13
Plato 37
Poale Zion 77-78
Polygamy, permitted 24
Pompey, General 12
Popes (and Talmudism)
    - Alexander III 7
    - Alexander VI 7
    - Bulls of 6-9
    - Calixtus 7
    - Clement VII 8
    - Clement X 9
    - Eugene IV 7
    - Innocent III 7, 70
    - Innocent IV 7
    - Innocent VIII 8
    - Gregory VII 7
    - Gregory IX 7
    - Gregory XIII 9
    - Julius III 7-8
    - Leo VII 7
    - Leo X 8
    - Leo XIII , 9
    - Nicholas V
    - Paul IV 8-9
    - Pius I V 8
    - Pius V 9
    - Pius VI 9
    - Pius IX 9
    - Pius X 9
    - Sixtus IV 7
    - Sixtus V 9
Potiphar 56
Pourea 81
Prince Lvov 84
Protocols of Zion 84
Pumbeditha (Talmud Cabala Center) 17, 38
Pythagoras 33, 37-38


Rashi 22
Rathenau, Walter 80
Reuchlin (Catholic renegade) 8
Rodkinson (M. Levi Frumkin) 6, 13, 29, 38, 79
Roosevelt, President Theodore 82
Root, Elihu 81
Rosh Hoshona (New Year), Talmud book 4
Rothschilds 79-80, 91
Rudovitz 81
Rutenberg, Pinchas 76, 81
Ritual murder 12, 39, 46, 50-51


Sabbath (laws of), Talmud book 4, 13, 27
    - religious group 12, 55
    - Gentiles as 14
Saint Clement 67
Saint Epiphany 67
Saint Ignatius 67
Saint Iraenaeus 67
Saint Paul 22, 28, 55, 67
Salome 12
Samaritans 12
Sanhedrin (Talmud book) 3-4, 13, 15, 17, 19-23, 25, 31-32, 36-37, 46, 51, 54, 91, 93
Schiff, Jacob 75, 79-80, 82-83, 85, 87, 89
Schiff, John 79
Schlossberg, Joseph 77
Schulhan Aruch (also "Schulchan Aruch") (digested laws) 27, 41, 43, 46-47, 50
Seder Kodashim (sacrifices), Talmud division 5
Seder Moed (festivals), Talmud division 4
Seder Nashim (women), Talmud division 4
Seder Nezikin (damages), Talmud division 4
Seder Tohoroth (cleanness), Talmud division 4
Sedarim (orders), Talmud book 4
Sefer Raziel (Book of Secrets Cabala) 21
Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Creation Cabala) 31, 37
Sephardic Jews 60
Sephirot, the Ten (see Ten Sephirot)
Shabiri (Demon of blindness) 31
Shammai (1st Century Pharisee) 22-23, 28, 39
Shebi'ith (seventh), Talmud book 5
Shebuoth (oaths, vows) 4
Shekalin (shekels), Talmud book 4
Shem 55
Shemhamphoras (by Luther) 11-13
Shemoneh Esreh (18 Benedictions) 12, 14-15
Sholem, Gershom 32, 35-36
Silver, Rabbi Abba Hillel 78
Silvermaster, Nathan G. 89
Simon ben Shetah 12
Sisera 27
Social Democratic Federation 81
Socialism 69
Sodom 23
Sodomy 19-20, 24, 29
Sotah (suspected woman), Talmud book 3-4, 21
Spinoza 34-35, 38, 46, 69
Star worship 42
State Department, U.S., Documents 1917-18 84
Sukkah (booths), Talmud book 4
Sulzberger, Cyrus L. 75
Sun, blessing of 44
Sverdlov 84, 86
Swearing falsely (Kol Nidre) 4, 7, 19-20, 41


Ta'anit (fasting), Talmud book 4
Table Talk (Martin Luther) 11
Taft, President William Howard 75, 81-83
Talmud, Babylonian 1-4
Talmud, books of (see also as individually listed) 4-5
Talmud, divisions of 4-5
Talmud, Heart's Blood of the Jewish Faith, book 2
Talmud, oral law and 3, 38
Talmud, Palestinian 2-3
Talmud, Soncino English translation 2, 4, 46
Talmud Torah Schools 22, 29
Tamid (daily offering), Talmud book 5
Tammuz 44, 91
Tammuz, feast of 39-40
Tammuz, weeping for 41
Tashlik (Jewish custom) 47-48
Taylor, Elizabeth 57
Tebul Yom (Talmud book) 5
Temurah (exchange), Talmud book 5
Ten Sephirot (Cabala Intelligences) 33
Termuah (heave offerings), Talmud book 4
Tetragrammaton 11, 14, 26, 31, 36-37, 44
Thomas, Norman , 85
Tohoroth (purification), Talmud book 5
Torquemada 7
Trachtenberg, Rabbi Joshua 44, 47-51
Tree worship 39-40
Trotsky, Leon (Bronstein) 79-80, 84-87, 89
Twelve tribes of Israel: (Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulon, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Napthali, Joseph, Benjamin) 56
Tyre 27


Union of American Hebrew Congregations 69
United Hebrew Trades 74
Ukzin (stems), Talmud book 5


Venus 24
Virgin Mary
    - adulteress 14
    - harlot 14
Vladeck, B. Charney 77


Warburg, Felix 75, 79-80
Warburg, Frederick M. 75
Warburg, James P. 79
Warburg, Max 75, 80, 86, 89
Warburg, Paul 75, 79-80
Weinberg, Israel 77
Wertheim, Jacob 75
Wilson, President Woodrow 76, 81, 85
Wise, Rabbi Isaac M. 6, 76
Wise, Rabbi Stephen S. 32, 35, 75-76, 87-88
Wolfson, Isaac 91
Workmen's Circle 74
World Zionist Congress 78


Yadayim (hands), Talmud book 5, 46
Yebamoth (dead brother's widow), Talmud book 4, 13, 22-24, 27-28
Yoma (Yom Kippur), Talmud book 4
Yom Rob (feast day), Talmud book 4


Zabim (flux), Talmud book 5
Zaddik (Jewish saint) 33
Zaritsky, Max 77
Zebahim (bloody sacrifices), Talmud book 5
Zeire Zion 78
Zenzinov 86
Zeraim (seeds), Talmud division 4
Zeus 91
Zinoviev (Hirsch Apfelbaum) 84, 85
Zionism 70
Zohar (Cabala "Book of Splendor") 34-36, 40, 49


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